Post by Alice on Apr 16, 2007 15:22:44 GMT
I'm Alice and I'm 13 years old. My mum started collecting Sindy around 3 years ago, I thought Sindy was so cute that I became really interested in her. When my mum bought the history of Sindy I was addicted. I must have read the 60's section and early 70's section so many times. (Thats the era my mum collects.) I love looking on eBay for bargains (which I have never found!) and looking round car boots, they are so much fun. I joined this forum so I could gather more Sindy knowledge and help my mum with her collecting.
Post by Anita on Apr 16, 2007 16:18:51 GMT
Your're very welcome Alice and I hope you'll really enjoy yourself with us  Is your Mum a member at all - if not - why not encourage her to do so, as we would love to have her join in too? Don't be afraid to ask questions as History of Sindy is not always very accurate with its' information, unfortunately!!  We are constantly learning new things about Sindy on a daily basis!! Hope to chat with you again soon Luv Anita xxx
Post by Alice on Apr 16, 2007 16:58:20 GMT
Hi My mum would join the forum but she isn't very good on the computer and doesn't make many posts on other Sindy forums. I'll try and encourage her to join. Love Alice 
Post by Cheryl on Apr 16, 2007 19:19:55 GMT
Hi Alice Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy chatting here with all of us. I bet your mum is very happy you are helping with her collection as 2 pairs of eyes are always better than one for spotting bargains Feel free to ask questions and post replies to any topic that interests you  Or start a new one if you have a topic you think might be interesting to others. Hope to chat with you soon
Post by aly on Apr 16, 2007 19:39:12 GMT
Hello Alice and a warm welcome to the forum honey  Its lovely to see somebody your age collecting Sindy, It would also be lovely to try and get your mum to introduce herself on here, We are a very friendly bunch and everybody is very helpful Look forward to chatting dollies with you very soon. Love Aly x x x
April 2007 Member of the Month
Posts: 169
Post by Christin on Apr 17, 2007 6:21:26 GMT
Hi Alice Welcome  christin